Many butts.
Many faces.
One community.

Butts Faces Community

Explore the world's best & largest ButtFaces NFT collection on OpenSea.

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10000 Items

Butt how? Butt why?

It is year 4000 and humans have evolved to face the increasing harshness of the world as it is made unrecognizable through climate change. The unstable atmosphere of earth now allows an unprecedented amount of gamma rays to reach the surface, causing rapid mutations in all biological life forms. Most surviving humans have evolved with their critical organs shielded by pants, and now have faces on their butts. This new step in evolution brings us to a place where humanity must work together to survive. We are many butts, many faces, butt one community.


Our Roadmap

We want to bring ButtFaces into every home! Here's the plan.

Merch Store

Q2 (or Q3) : 2022 delayed by covid

Creator Spotlight

Meet Drea, the face behind the ButtFaces!

"I take myself very seriously. I have a 4-year degree and this is what I'm doing with it.

As an experienced owner of both a butt and also a face, I feel this project really cheeks all the boxes for providing users with the best possible NFT experience and I'm honored to be a part of it."       -Drea


What are you waiting for?!
Get your ButtFaces NFT today!

Explore the world's best & largest ButtFaces NFT collection on OpenSea.